Tag Archives: vintage packaging

More Design Inspiration

Another quick post about some more design inpired snapshots I’ve peeped while out and about. Maybe it’s just my personal preference, but I love that no-frills, bold-as-heck packaging from the 60’s & 70’s. Those fonts, that script, the illustrations. How cute is that little holiday elf guy logo? The only things I actually bought in this set are the flashcards and the blank place cards. I bought them thinking that I’m always talking to thrift store managers and resellers, yet I never have a business card to give them. So, logically I figured “Why don’t I find something in a thift store to print or letterpress them on, DIY-style, to give out as my business card.” Flashcards and invitations make perfect stock for them. So there you have it. Stay tuned.

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Design Inspiration On A Snowy Day


The designer in me is always spotting vintage graphic gems in the thrift stores. On a snowy hibernation day like this, when i’m glued to my computer designing stuff they come in handy. They can be found on almost anything. I have an soft spot for the ones I find on vintage hardware and packaging goods.

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A Thrifting Trip To the Ax-Man Surplus Store

**UPDATE** I few weeks ago we did a post about “10 Important Tips for Having A Yard Sale“. This was all because my mother was about to have her annual Fall garage sale in her neighborhood. She usually has my grandmother and a few other good friends put some stuff on the sale, but it’s at least 50% her stuff. With the sale completed she was proud to announce that the sale’s overall total brought in just over $2025. That’s nothing to sneeze at folks. So the next time you think having a yard sale is a waste of time and effort just remember that it could pay off your car or afford you a couple months of mortgage payments.

ON WITH THE SHOW – So I made a trip out to my favorite Ax-Man surplus store today. I was surprised to find out that Ax-man is a Twin Cities area-only chain with 3 locations. I was at first hesitant to do a post about my Ax-Man trip since I figured it’s not a true “thrift store” but in many circles, this is truest of all “thrift stores.” They have the weirdest most unexpected “stuff.” Something I only recently noticed was the insane amount of awesome vintage packaging and products they have there. Pictured above is just a sampling of my favorites I saw. Check out those electron tube boxes – so cool. Oh, and all you poor art students should go take a look at the surplus portfolio cases they got in, great for transporting your work or storing it, for about 1/4 the cost of buying a new one online. One final tip: old license plates smell a lot like B.O., remember to bring along your little bottle of Purell or some sanitary hand wipes.

More soon!