Monthly Archives: July 2009

5 Stores, 4 Weeks, 50 Photos. This Is How We Summer Thrift Shop.

Here it is, my haul from the past few weeks. Basically gonna be one of my biggest summer hauls of all time. Too many things to elaborate intensely on. One vintage item I always seem to find (and buy) are those old video cameras, so cool, so sleek & sexy. Check out the pics below for more angles. Stay tuned for some more actual video posts coming soon. It’s hard to pin folks down in the Summer season but WE WILL SOON DELIVER MORE VIDEO GOODNESS.

ALSO, I should mention that we’re on Twitter now. Follow on our thrift store and yard sale adventures @THINGSIFOUND – Thanks!

So many incredible books, informational science books, vintage children’s books, classic MN magazines with some pretty stellar ads in them. No book was more than $2.00. Graphic design folks out there know how giddy we get when we discover an old magazine or book with killer visuals in it.

Dug up a neat old picture frame ($1.99), some old LP’s ($.50 ea) Conway Twitty is the man. That “I see the want to in your eyes” track is an all-time fav, no lie. He’s such a cocky bastard, it must be the hair. Oh and don’t forget that old beer/wine mirrored sign which I will eBay soon grabbed it for ($3.99).

Also grabbed some old artsy & stationary stuff: a stack of Utrecht tracing paper ($1.49), a ream of black construction paper ($.99), an old trusty Speedball pen and ink set ($1.99), some block printing ink($.49), check out that foldout pen tip poster that came with it. Found a set of  Testors enamels – I’m gonna possibly try to enhance my old 63′ Schwinn Typhoon with some detailing.

In the random category we found some more really beautiful jars for terrariums ($.99 ea) – now that the moss is in full swing. ANOTHER game of Rummikub for a friend of mine ($2.99), if you’ve never played Rummikub you really should, its addicting and fun as hell. Spotted another Glasbake mug, this one should make Glasbake guru Mr. Andy Kiekhafer pretty jealous. If you missed our video post on Glasbake check it out here.

I’M NOT ABOVE ACCESSORIZING. Yea so what I bought some pants and a couple great hand tooled belts, they’re hard to come by. The punker kid in me still loves dark gray wool pants. I live in the Midwest they go with everything and make me yearn for Fall weather. It’s rare to find some designer ones in my size and that don’t have those stupid pleats. The belts were a couple bucks each and the pants were $2.

That Minnesota magazine with all the vintage ads, that Herman Miller book find and that Oregon state plate was purely to make Aaron Draplin jealous. That’s my 4th Oregon plate find and not a fucking clue what I’m gonna do with them all. Rumor has it he’s about to embark on the WORLD’S LONGEST YARD SALE in early August. Shit that sounds like a good time, godspeed sir.

Summer is a great time to check out the yard sales and dodge the heat in the thrift stores. I suggest you get in there and if you’re traveling try to seek out some thrift shops that are off the beaten path, there’s tons of treasures to be found out there.

In A Rare Move


Check out this pikachu freak I googled in the pic above. Imagine going on a date, dinner, movie, back to her place to see her HORRIFYING pikachu collection. I can hear the tires squealing now.

I came across this quick article that nails it on the head. It’s something that I contemplate quite often. I do buy a lot of superfluous stuff I don’t really need. Let me counter that with saying at least 40% of the items I thrift or buy are for other people or for resale. Thrifting for 15 years has left me with a sharp eye for what sells on the eBay and Etsy, I call that just plain sharp scoutin’. Take a gander here.

To pair with this article’s intent, a couple of folks that I know (some with actual obsessive collecting issues) are having a yard sale soon. Good shit, rare vinyl and VHS, jam boxes, etc. Dont miss out.