Monthly Archives: January 2010

When Cabin Fever Strikes Hard – Go Junkin.

The winter blues are strong with this Midwestern “Junk Jedi”. Every year of it makes me question why the !@#$ do I live here? I can tell it’s late January because it takes a couple cold months for my hands and knees to become closer to lizard scales than human epidermis. All the hi-tech frou frou lotion in the world would have no effect on these mitts. I’m really, really looking forward to spring. I don’t wear shorts often, but I like the idea of shorts. Warm breezy days, t-shirts, sunglasses, sun tans, fishing, rainy nights, drinking on screen porches and shouting obscenities at hipsters. There’s something to be said for that spring scent too, sweet , pungent reminder that it does get better. Frozen dog turds from lazy, cold, dog owners defrosting on the sidewalks, funny how something so gross can make me smile. Enough with this ramble, on with the show!

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted some more THINGS I FOUND at the Thrift Store! So here goes nothing:

First off, I scored a ton of vinyl. I think I’ll do an upcoming separate post JUST on the vinyl I’ve found, since there’s so much to show you. Get ready for some extreme jealousy, chumps.

Second, I found some really great art. I picked up that little John “The Duke” Wayne picture for my Grandpa Rollie’s “Man Room” up at the lake ($.99 cents). Nothing more manly than “The Duke” right cowpoke? Next, I almost pooped when I came across a that original Bill Wheeler print. It’s incredible, the colors, the oranges and yellows, those rich abstract shapes. I get gleefully lost just staring at it for minutes on end. Can’t wait t0 get her all framed up and find the right spot for it. The Bill Wheeler print was ($2.99). Next in the art findings I found an old photograph from 1966. What originally attracted me to it was the gorgeous vintage frame, but upon closer inspection it’s an old and slightly crackled picture of  Hawley Lake, in White Mountains, Arizona ($2.95). I didn’t even know there was lakes in Arizona. Lastly, I picked up an awesome little circular needlepoint design. I’m not going to lie this was purchased to immediately sell on Etsy as well. BTW, my Esty seller name is “theoddsmaker” check out my stuff.

My thrift buddy Tamara found a cute little artsy soup mug. She’s modeling it and testing it out with some soup in those pics, mmm soup! I think it was around ($.99) I’m pictured above holding a sickle. When it’s not near the month of Halloween, those props quickly become commie fun fodder. If you squint hard enough at the photo you can see Dick Cheney peeking out from behind a garment rack, jotting my name down on the Commie watch list.

In keeping with the ceramic items theme I also found two great mugs. One is presumably a pharmacy in the UK(?) or some anti-drug campaign that says “Knock Out Drugs”. Either way, it’s a rad mug. The other just has a cool hippie pattern that caught my eye. The hippie mug will promptly be listed on Etsy for sale. Each mug set us back .99 cents. I also, found a couple decor items I couldn’t resist. One is a little hand-made clay sculpture made in Peru ($1.99). The others are owl themed. The set is a cute little salt & pepper shaker, the other is what I believe to be an old incense dispenser. Since it’s open on the bottom I plan to set it on top of a small planter and let herbs grow out of the holes. I saw the idea once on one of my all time favorite blogs Design*Sponge.

With all these great finds, it should keep you all motivated to not only donate stuff to the thrift stores, but to get out of the house and go junkin. See you out there!

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Top Things To Donate To A Thrift Store

It takes a horrible disaster like Haiti’s earthquake for us to witness and process the heart-wrenching images of people who had very little before – and now have nothing. It’s been blasted in our face for the past 2 weeks, but please also consider donating money to any of the worthy aid organizations that are active in Haiti. Here are a couple of my favorites: or text “Haiti” to 90999.

So ever since I’ve been a thrifter, every January/February/March I’ve always noticed that the thrift stores are super picked over and empty. Be it the cold weather or just that lull before everyone cracks in on their spring cleaning/purging regimen, I’d like to remind everyone that mid-Winter to early-Spring is the slowest season for thrift stores. Your donations are the lifeblood of their business. With that said, please consider digging around your house and making a carpool trip to donate some of those unwanted holiday gifts, and stuff that you don’t need anymore. Who knows, you may even find something you need or have been hunting for.

If you’re just too lazy or unable to transport your goods yourself, there are places that will come and get the donations from your curbside or home at no charge. Here are just a few of the many:

Salvation Army

Lions Club International

Lupus Foundation

Easter Seals


– Clothing

– Misc. household items

– Cookware

– Unopened first aid supplies

– Educational Textbooks

– Camping supplies

* Special thanks to Alyssa at the Elk River, MN Salvation Army (one of my favorite thrift joints) for her insider help and info!

Real Quick: How To Re-purpose Old T-Shirts

Just wanted to check in and say THAT WE’RE STILL ALIVE! We’ve been pretty quiet the past couple of weeks out digging up treasures from my secret thrift spots and working on some really great upcoming posts. I came across this great post on re-purposing old t-shirts this morning and just had to share it with all you thrifters (how cute is she?!). Stay tuned!

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