Tag Archives: belts

Heirloom Leather

Some tooled leather belts & wallets I’ve picked up in the past couple months. Most are genuine American leather. True beauties. These things last generations and only build character with age. I especially like the ones that are hand-detailed with paint or have trim wrap detail on them. I also threw in that vintage ashtray/bowl. Sexy looking with nickel, wood, and leather detailing on it. Enjoy.

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Rain Man walks into a thrift store.


A lot of you have asked where I do my thrifting and for the most part I tend to keep it hush hush. However, the other day while robotically combing through some thrift stores I had a reflective thought about my activites. As it turns out, I have a mental checklist of things I systematically check on every visit. It’s not to say this list is set in stone and can vary month-to-month depending on if I’m seeking a particular thing out. But listed below is a semi-embarrassing list of the shit I look for or dig through during every visit. In no particular order: mugs, large glass jars with tops (for terrariums), books, belts, salt & pepper shakers,vintage art prints, vintage cameras (movie or still film), sunglasses/eyeglasses, office supplies, typewriters and suitcases, paintings/artwork and frames, men’s t-shirts, lamps, records, and I usually swoop past the glass locked counter stuff before I head to checkout, sometimes they put the vintage cameras or random goodies in there. So yeap, there it is!